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Research progresses and prospects of unsteady hydrodynamics characteristics for cavitation
JI Bin, CHENG Huaiyu, HUANG Biao, LUO Xianwu, PENG Xiaoxing, LONG Xinping
2019, 49(1). doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-17-012
Abstract(5113) HTML (792) PDF(1269)
Mechanical frontiers in shale-gas development
Yuewu LIU, Dapeng GAO, Qi LI, Yizhao WAN, Wenjie DUAN, Xiaguang ZENG, Mingyao LI, Yewang SU, Yongbo FAN, Shihai LI, Xiaobing LU, Dong ZHOU, Weimin CHEN, Yiqin FU, Chunhui JIANG, Shaoji HOU, Lisheng PAN, Xiaolin WEI, Zhiming HU, Xianggang DUAN, Shusheng GAO, Rui SHEN, Jin CHANG, Xiaoyan LI, Zhanli LIU, Yujie WEI, Zhemin ZHENG
2019, 49(1). doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-17-020
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Recent progress on finite element model updating: From linearity to nonlinearity
Hao ZHANG, Dongsheng LI, Hongnan LI
2019, 49(1). doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-18-004
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Mechanical problems in momentous projects of aerospace engineering
MENG Guang, ZHOU Xubin, MIAO Jun
2016, 46(1). doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-15-018
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Fundamental mechanics problems in metal additive manufacturing: A state-of-art review
LIAN Yanping, WANG Panding, GAO Jie, LIU Jikai, LI Quhao, LIU Changmeng, HE Xiaofan, GAO Liang, LI Hao, LEI Hongshuai, LI Huimin, XIAO Dengbao, GUO Xu, FANG Daining
2021, 51(3): 648-701. doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-21-037
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Mechanics problems in application of acoustic black hole structures
JI Hongli, HUANG Wei, QIU Jinhao, CHENG Li
2017, 47(1): 333-384. doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-16-033
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Review on fluid-solid coupling and dynamic response of vortex-induced vibration of slender ocean cylinders
CHEN W M, FU Yiqin, GUO Shuangxi, JIANG Chunhui
2017, 47(1): 25-91. doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-16-005
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A review on mechanisms and models for very-high-cycle fatigue of metallic materials
HONG Youshi, SUN Chengqi, LIU Xiaolong
2018, 48(1). doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-17-002
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Review on underwater sound absorption materials and mechanisms
WANG Yuren, MIAO Xuhong, JIANG Heng, CHEN Meng, LIU Yu, XU Wenshuai, MENG Dan
2017, 47(1): 92-121. doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-16-008
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The mesoscopic structures of dense granular materials
SUN Q C., Xiaoxing LIU, Guohua ZHANG, Chuanqi LIU, Feng JIN
2017, 47(1): 263-308. doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-16-021
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Review on research progress of mechanical metamaterials and their applications in vibration and noise control
YIN Jianfei, CAI Li, FANG Xin, XIAO Yong, YANG Haibin, ZHANG Hongjia, ZHONG Jie, ZHAO Honggang, YU Dianlong, WEN Jihong
2022, 52(3): 508-586. doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-22-005
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Stability and evolution of liquid-gas interfaces on superhydrophobic surfaces
LV Pengyu, XUE Yahui, DUAN Huiling
2016, 46(1). doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-15-043
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Nonlinear Lamb waves in plate/shell structures
LIU Yaolu, HU Ning, DENG Mingxi, ZHAO Youxuan, LI Weibin
2017, 47(1): 503-533. doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-16-032
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Research progress on hydrodynamics of high speed vehicles in the underwater launching process
WANG Yiwei, HUANG Chenguang
2018, 48(1). doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-16-020
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Pentamode material for underwater acoustic wave control
CHEN Yi, LIU Xiaoning, XIANG Ping, HU Gengkai
2016, 46(1). doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-16-010
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Shock wave propagation and interactions
YANG Jimingy, LI Zhufei, ZHU Yujian, ZHAI Zhigang, LUO Xisheng, LU Xiyun
2016, 46(1). doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-16-009
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AFM force spectroscopy and its applications on micro biomechanics
GE Lin
2018, 48(1). doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-17-011
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Advance from biomechanics to mechanobiology
2017, 47(1): 309-332. doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-16-023
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Some research advances in downhole tubular mechanics and control methods
GAO Deli, HUANG Wenjun
2021, 51(3): 620-647. doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-21-028
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Review on long-rod penetration at hypervelocity
JIAO Wenjun, CHEN Xiaowei
2019, 49(1). doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-17-021
Abstract(4426) HTML (893) PDF(909)
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