Volume 47 Issue 1
Feb.  2017
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LIU Yaolu, HU Ning, DENG Mingxi, ZHAO Youxuan, LI Weibin. Nonlinear Lamb waves in plate/shell structures[J]. Advances in Mechanics, 2017, 47(1): 503-533. doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-16-032
Citation: LIU Yaolu, HU Ning, DENG Mingxi, ZHAO Youxuan, LI Weibin. Nonlinear Lamb waves in plate/shell structures[J]. Advances in Mechanics, 2017, 47(1): 503-533. doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-16-032

Nonlinear Lamb waves in plate/shell structures

doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-16-032
  • Received Date: 2016-10-17
    Available Online: 2017-01-20
  • Publish Date: 2017-02-24
  • In view of the fact that conventional ultrasonic detection technology is not effective for the detection of distributed fne damage and contact-type structural damage in materials, nonlinear ultrasound technology has been attracting more and more attention in recent years. Ultrasonic waves propagate in the form of Lamb wave modes in the structure of plates and shells. However, due to the dispersion and multimode characteristics of Lamb waves, the progress of theoretical and experimental research on nonlinear Lamb waves is slow. Based on the classical nonlinear theory, this paper summarizes the theoretical and experimental research progress of nonlinear Lamb waves induced by the inherent nonlinear-ity of material, and summarizes the application of the second harmonics of Lamb waves in damage evaluation of material. The current status of the research on nonlinear Lamb waves induced by contact-type structural damage is discussed based on contact acoustic nonlin-earity. At the end, this paper envisions the future research topics and trends in nonlinear Lamb waves.


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