Volume 51 Issue 3
Sep.  2021
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Article Contents
Lian Y P, Wang P D, Gao J, Liu J K, Li Q H, Liu C M, He X F, Gao L, Li H, Lei H S, Li H M, Xiao D B, Guo X, Fang D N. Fundamental mechanics problems in metal additive manufacturing: A state-of-art review. Advances in Mechanics, 2021, 51(3): 648-701 doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-21-037
Citation: Lian Y P, Wang P D, Gao J, Liu J K, Li Q H, Liu C M, He X F, Gao L, Li H, Lei H S, Li H M, Xiao D B, Guo X, Fang D N. Fundamental mechanics problems in metal additive manufacturing: A state-of-art review. Advances in Mechanics, 2021, 51(3): 648-701 doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-21-037

Fundamental mechanics problems in metal additive manufacturing: A state-of-art review

doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-21-037
More Information
  • Corresponding author: yangping.lian@bit.edu.cn
  • Received Date: 2021-06-29
  • Accepted Date: 2021-08-02
  • Available Online: 2021-08-25
  • Publish Date: 2021-09-25
  • Metal additive manufacturing (AM) is a kind of disruptive manufacturing technology that considers the needs of complex geometry fabrication and high-performance part fabrication. Hence, it has broad applications and extensive development space in aviation, aerospace, transportation, nuclear power, to name a few. However, its large-scale applications suffer from the challenge, including improving manufacturing efficiency and achieving the geometry and mechanical property as desired, which is a cross-cutting problem involving multi-discipline such as mechanics, optics, material science, mechanical engineering, control science. In the viewpoint of mechanics associated with the challenge, this paper critically reviews the recent research progress of AM-oriented structure topology optimization design, numerical simulation of the metal AM process, as-built defects characterization, and mechanical performance evaluation of the fabricated metal materials and components, which are referred to as structure design-process modelling-performance evaluation for metal AM. Finally, research topics that are required to address the fundamental mechanical problems in terms of structure design-process modelling-performance evaluation in AM of metallic components are provided.


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