Volume 43 Issue 1
Jan.  2013
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WANG Qi, ZHUANG Fangfang, GUO Yiyuan, ZHANG Jie, FANG Jie. ADVANCES IN THE RESEARCH ON NUMERICAL METHODS FOR NON-SMOOTH DYNAMICS OF MULTIBODY SYSTEMS[J]. Advances in Mechanics, 2013, 43(1): 101-111. doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-12-024
Citation: WANG Qi, ZHUANG Fangfang, GUO Yiyuan, ZHANG Jie, FANG Jie. ADVANCES IN THE RESEARCH ON NUMERICAL METHODS FOR NON-SMOOTH DYNAMICS OF MULTIBODY SYSTEMS[J]. Advances in Mechanics, 2013, 43(1): 101-111. doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-12-024


doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-12-024
Funds:  The project was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (11072014, 10832004).
More Information
  • Corresponding author: WANG Qi
  • Received Date: 2012-02-29
  • Rev Recd Date: 2012-05-03
  • Publish Date: 2013-01-24
  • The numerical method for the non-smooth dynamics of multibody systems is one of the hot topics of researches on the dynamics of multibody systems. In this paper, recent advances in the research on numerical methods are presented for the non-smooth dynamics of multibody systems with impact and friction. First, the Coulomb friction model, modified Coulomb friction model and the characteristics of the normal forces of multibody systems with unilateral and bilateral constraints are discussed. Second, recently developed numerical methods for the non-smooth dynamics of multibody systems based on continuous and discontinuous models are reviewed. The Event-driven scheme and time-stepping method for the non-smooth dynamics of multibody systems are described in detail based on the complementarity concept. These numerical methods are then analysed and compared. Finally, the problems in need of further studies are pointed out.


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