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Chen W, Cao R Q, Hu J C, Dai H L, Wang L. Recent advances in research on large-deformation dynamics of slender pipes conveying fluid. Advances in Mechanics, in press doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-24-027
Citation: Chen W, Cao R Q, Hu J C, Dai H L, Wang L. Recent advances in research on large-deformation dynamics of slender pipes conveying fluid. Advances in Mechanics, in press doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-24-027

Recent advances in research on large-deformation dynamics of slender pipes conveying fluid

doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-24-027 cstr: 32046.14.1000-0992-24-027
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  • Slender pipes conveying fluid are an important structure in various engineering equipment systems such as engine hydraulic device, aviation tanker, nuclear heat exchanger and offshore drilling platform. When the flow velocity is sufficiently high, the slender pipe may be subjected to flow-induced instability including buckling and flutter, which may lead to safety accidents in serious cases. Flow-induced instability and nonlinear vibration of pipes conveying fluid are typical fluid-structure interaction behaviors, and have become a generic paradigm and fertile dynamics problem in nonlinear dynamics and fluid-structure interaction mechanics. After establishing governing equation, clarifying the stability mechanism and analyzing the nonlinear vibration mechanism of pipes conveying fluid, much attention has been payed to the large-deformation dynamics of this dynamical system in recent years. In this review, the research progress of nonlinear vibrations, especially the large-deformation bending dynamics of slender pipes are systematically introduced. Firstly, the nonlinear characteristics and classification of the fluid-conveying pipe system are summarized, and the applicability of some common assumptions is briefly analyzed. Secondly, the Taylor expansion approximation model, geometrically exact model, absolute node coordinate formulation model, data-driven model and other related modeling and solving methods are reviewed. Then, the nonlinear dynamics mechanism and evolution law of cantilevered and supported pipes are reviewed, and some recent research progress of cantilevered pipes from small-deformation hypothesis to large-deformation response is emphasized. On this basis, several typical methods of improving the stability of the pipe, suppressing the nonlinear vibrations of the pipe and utilizing the large-deformation response of the pipe are also introduced. Finally, the research status of large-deformation dynamics of slender pipe conveying fluid is summarized, and several basic scientific problems worthy of attention are pointed out.


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