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Wang Z Y, Wang J Z, Huang J, Wang Z, Wang Y W. Research progress on the stability mechanism and control of ventilated supercavitation. Advances in Mechanics, 2025, 55(1): 1-43 doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-24-024
Citation: Wang Z Y, Wang J Z, Huang J, Wang Z, Wang Y W. Research progress on the stability mechanism and control of ventilated supercavitation. Advances in Mechanics, 2025, 55(1): 1-43 doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-24-024

Research progress on the stability mechanism and control of ventilated supercavitation

doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-24-024 cstr: 32046.14.1000-0992-24-024
More Information
  • Corresponding author: wangyw@imech.ac.cn
  • Received Date: 2024-07-15
  • Accepted Date: 2024-10-31
  • Available Online: 2024-11-11
  • Ventilated supercavity drag reduction is a key technology to break through the traditional underwater speed limit and achieve high-speed operation of underwater vehicles, which has important engineering application value. The navigation stability of underwater vehicles is a bottleneck problem that restricts the development of supercavitating vehicles, which is closely related to the stability of ventilated supercavity. Therefore, accurate prediction and control of supercavity shape are one of the key factors in the overall design of supercavitating vehicles. This paper first introduces the research progress on the flow morphology characteristics of ventilated supercavities under different flow conditions, and further sorts out the key scientific issues that affect the flow morphology, including the characteristics and stability mechanism of the cavity interface, the closure mechanism of the supercavity, and the interaction between the jet and the supercavity. Finally, based on the understanding and recognition of the morphology of ventilated supercavities, a method for achieving flow control of ventilated supercavities is introduced.


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