Volume 54 Issue 4
Dec.  2024
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Qin W, Kou Z P, Liu X F, Zhang Z H. Mechanical behaviors of micro-nano systems associated with van der Waals interaction. Advances in Mechanics, 2024, 54(4): 739-770 doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-24-019
Citation: Qin W, Kou Z P, Liu X F, Zhang Z H. Mechanical behaviors of micro-nano systems associated with van der Waals interaction. Advances in Mechanics, 2024, 54(4): 739-770 doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-24-019

Mechanical behaviors of micro-nano systems associated with van der Waals interaction

doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-24-019 cstr: 32046.14.1000-0992-24-019
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  • van der Waals (vdW) interactions originating from quantum and thermal fluctuations are ubiquitous in natural and artificial systems. Accurate descriptions and characterizations of vdW interactions are crucial to understanding the mechanical behavior and realizing the mechanical design of micro-/nano-systems. This review summarized recent research progresses on vdW-dependent mechanical behaviors of micro-/nano-systems. First, we introduced vdW theories for atomic and molecular systems, including pairwise approximation, nonlocal density functional theory, adiabatic-connection fluctuating-dissipation theorem and many-body dispersion theory, as well as theories for continuum systems, including analytic, semi-analytic and numerical Lifshitz theory. Then, we reviewed the effects of vdW interactions on typical mechanical behaviors of two-dimensional materials and nano- and micro-electromechanical systems. We also discussed fascinating effects emerged from vdW interaction, including repulsive vdW force, non-monotonic vdW trap, Casimir rotational torque, Casimir flipping torque and vdW screening. Finally, we analyzed limitations of current vdW theories and presented the outlook for future development.


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