Volume 52 Issue 4
Dec.  2022
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Liu C Q, Xu G T, Wei Y J. Virtual element method: Theory and applications. Advances in Mechanics, 2022, 52(4): 874-913 doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-22-037
Citation: Liu C Q, Xu G T, Wei Y J. Virtual element method: Theory and applications. Advances in Mechanics, 2022, 52(4): 874-913 doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-22-037

Virtual element method: Theory and applications

doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-22-037
More Information
  • Corresponding author: yujie_wei@lnm.imech.ac.cn
  • Received Date: 2022-07-04
  • Accepted Date: 2022-08-19
  • Available Online: 2022-08-19
  • Publish Date: 2022-12-29
  • Virtual Element Method (VEM) is a recently-developed numerical method suitable for arbitrarily convex or concave cells. This benefits the VEM to handle hanging nodes, contacts and polycrystalline deformations. We here illustrate the theory of the VEM via the Poisson equation and the elastic problem, and summarize its applications to non-linear problems. Compared to the Finite Element Method (FEM), the characteristics of the VEM are explained in details. The VEM has demonstrated potentials to model contacts, cracks, coupling of multiple physics, and etc. We hope that this review can provides an alternative means for software developers in computational mechanics.


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