Volume 48 Issue 1
Feb.  2018
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ZHANG Chunqiu, LI Ke, GAO Lilan, ZHANG Xizheng. Biomechanics in cartilage tissue engineering[J]. Advances in Mechanics, 2018, 48(1): 1809. doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-17-007
Citation: ZHANG Chunqiu, LI Ke, GAO Lilan, ZHANG Xizheng. Biomechanics in cartilage tissue engineering[J]. Advances in Mechanics, 2018, 48(1): 1809. doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-17-007

Biomechanics in cartilage tissue engineering

doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-17-007
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  • Author Bio:

    ɛ E-mail:zhang chunqiu@126.com

  • Corresponding author: ZHANG Chunqiu
  • Received Date: 2017-04-01
  • Publish Date: 2018-02-08
  • Articular cartilage is one kind of elastic loaded tissues. Its complex structure contains solid and liquid phases. The solid phase consists of collagens and proteoglycans, and the liquid phase consists of water and electrolyte. The microstructure of the solid phase is a type of fiber reinforced composites. Articular cartilage provides a smooth interface with low wear and friction, and plays an important role in buffering shocks, transferring loading and etc. The knee joint is subjected to a large amount of exercise and high stress, which make the articular cartilage injury common in clinic. Since there is no blood supply in cartilage tissues, they are difficult to heal once injury. Tissue engineering provides an ideal method for the treatment of defects in cartilages. Although cartilage tissue engineering has started to be applied in clinic, but the method is not widely employed. How to get the engineered cartilage, and which structure and function are suitable for the clinical use are still remaining problems to be solved. The key to the construction of functional engineered cartilage in vitro is to apply appropriate mechanical conditions in bioreactors. First, the loads ensure the effective transportation of the internal signals, nutrients and wastes; second, it is necessary to apply specific mechanical stimulations on seed cells in scaffolds; third, it needs to promote the development of the structure and function of extracellular matrix. This paper reviews the latest research in cartilage tissue engineering. This review categorizes the mechanical stimuli into three types according to different medias during the process of load transfer: namely, liquid-mediated forces, solid-mediated forces and other forces. This paper analyzes the major biomechanical problems in cartilage tissue engineering and predicts the trend of future developments. At last, this paper suggests that the synergy of mechanical and biochemical stimuli should be taken into account in cartilage tissue construction. In this way, rolling-sliding-compression load accompanied by appropriate biochemical conditions may be beneficial to realize the functional development of engineered cartilage in vitro.


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