Volume 42 Issue 5
Sep.  2012
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Article Contents
LI Gen, TANG Chunan, LI Lianchong. ADVANCES IN ROCK DEFORMATION AND FAILUREPROCESS UNDER WATER-ROCK COUPLING[J]. Advances in Mechanics, 2012, 42(5): 593-619. doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-11-113
Citation: LI Gen, TANG Chunan, LI Lianchong. ADVANCES IN ROCK DEFORMATION AND FAILUREPROCESS UNDER WATER-ROCK COUPLING[J]. Advances in Mechanics, 2012, 42(5): 593-619. doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-11-113


doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-11-113
Funds:  The project was supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (62011CB013503), the National Natural ScienceFoundation of China (41030747, 41102181, 51079017, 50820125405, 51121005)
More Information
  • Corresponding author: LI Gen
  • Received Date: 2011-08-08
  • Rev Recd Date: 2012-03-23
  • Publish Date: 2012-09-25
  • Seepage flow in dam sites, water inrush in coal mines and tunnels, and hydraulic fracturing engineering are usually induced by the accumulation of rock damage evolution (catastrophic) process. Whether ourunderstanding and evaluation of these processes are correct or not depends on the indepth study on rock deformation and failure process under water-rock coupling condition. The advances in rock seepage-deformation-failure characteristics and relevant mechanism of the process, particularly the physical experimental results, arereviewed here. And the analysis models and corresponding numerical calculations for rock deformation, failureprocess under water-rock coupling are reviewed, especially the finite element method in view of the treatment ofcracks. A number of representative research results achieved by the authors in recent years are briefly presented.Several specific challenges in the current theoretical (numerical) research and the prospects of future researchesare then elucidated and suggested.


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