摘要: 量子计算在算力上有望指数级超越经典计算, 然而亟需拓展实际应用场景. 计算力学应用场景丰富, 但面临多尺度、多物理场、极端环境等问题带来的算力挑战. 因此, 两者在算力和应用场景上的互补融合式发展前景广阔. 本文旨在梳理量子计算在计算力学中的应用现状, 并展望该领域未来的发展趋势.Abstract: Quantum computing has the potential to exponentially surpass classical computing in terms of computational power, but its practical applications need further expansion. At the same time, computational mechanics offers a wide range of applications, but faces challenges of significant computational power requirements arising from multi-scale, multi-physics, and extreme conditions, among others. Therefore, the complementary development of quantum computing and computational mechanics holds great promise. This paper reviews the current state of quantum computing applications in computational mechanics and discusses future trends in this field.
Key words:
- quantum computing /
- computational mechanics
图 1 量子计算流程示意图(郭光灿 2022)
图 2 编织型复合壳体的多尺度仿真对比(Kuang et al. 2025). (a) 量子计算增强的数据驱动计算均匀化方法. (b) 并发多尺度有限元方法
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