A review of research advances in analytical methods for symmetry and conservation laws in mechanical analysis
摘要: 本文综述了力学分析中对称性与守恒律的研究进展. 首先, 介绍了连续系统中的Lie群对称性, 包括微分方程和偏微分方程的Lie群对称性、泛函的Lie群对称性及其守恒律, 以及扰动微分方程的近似Lie对称性, 并通过实例分析了这些对称性在实际中的应用. 接着, 探讨了离散系统的对称性与守恒律, 重点介绍了离散系统的动力学方程、Noether对称性、Lie对称性及Mei对称性, 并结合具体应用实例进行了说明. 最后, 综述了随机系统中的对称性与守恒律, 讨论了Ito型和Stratonovich型随机微分方程的对称性, 特别是在统计意义下对随机微分方程对称性的理解. 本文旨在为后续研究提供理论参考, 推动相关领域的进一步发展.Abstract: This paper reviews the research progress on symmetry and conservation laws in mechanical analysis. It begins by introducing Lie group symmetries in continuous systems, including the symmetries of differential equations, partial differential equations, functionals, and approximate Lie symmetries of perturbed differential equations, with practical applications demonstrated through examples. The paper then explores symmetries and conservation laws in discrete systems, focusing on the dynamics equations, Noether symmetries, Lie symmetries, and Mei symmetries, with explanations supported by specific application examples. Finally, it reviews symmetries and conservation laws in stochastic systems, discussing the symmetries of Ito and Stratonovich stochastic differential equations, particularly in the statistical sense. The aim of this paper is to provide theoretical references for subsequent research and to advance the development of related fields.
Key words:
- symmetry /
- conservation laws /
- continuous systems /
- discrete systems /
- stochastic systems
图 1 连续对称性和守恒律的关系(夏丽莉和陈立群2015)
图 2 三种对称性的关系(梅凤翔 2001).
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