通过系绳释放、运行和回收的在轨卫星称为绳系卫星. 绳系卫星功能独特, 在人工重力梯度、空间传送、电动力推进等方面应用广泛. 本文以绳系卫星为对象, 概述了全世界历年来绳系卫星的在轨飞行试验, 包括试验背景、目的、步骤以及结果等; 介绍了近年来绳系卫星的地面物理仿真实验技术, 分析了系统结构、仿真原理以及实验结果; 对未来我国空间绳系卫星技术的发展提出建议.
Abstract:The tethered satellite system, which is deployed from another ying vehicle in space via a tether, is a new technology for arti cial gravity creation, LEO to GEO tether transportation, scientific and technological applications, electro-dynamic study, and so on. This paper first surveys experimental researches of the tethered satellite systems on orbit, including the mission backgrounds, motivations, manipulate procedures and relevant experimental results. Then it reviews the con guration of ground-based experiments, covering both the equivalent principium and the experimental results. Finally, the paper addresses some open problems related to the tethered satellite technology to be developed in China.
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