摘要: 固体界面的不稳定性增长是武器内爆物理、惯性约束聚变点火和材料动力学行为研究等工程和科学领域中的关键物理过程, 它可能导致固体表面出现轻重介质相互侵入、物质微喷射乃至湍流混合等复杂的物理现象, 对其发展规律的研究具有重要的意义. 本文在第二、三章分别介绍了对固体界面Richtmyer−Meshkov (RM) 和Rayleigh−Taylor (RT) 不稳定性发展规律的研究现状, 总结了现有的不稳定性增长理论模型并探讨了其局限性. 与纯流体界面不稳定性增长所不同的是, 由于固体材料存在强度, 其界面不稳定性发展过程中扰动增长的部分能量会被强度这一耗散因素转化为晶格的热能, 从而降低扰动增长速率乃至抑制扰动增长, 因此如何衡量动态加载过程中固体的强度效应成为认识其不稳定增长规律的关键. 另一方面, 由于固体界面不稳定性的发展结果蕴含着材料的本构、状态方程等信息, 人们提出可以应用不稳定性的增长规律来获取材料的动态屈服强度、校验材料的高压本构模型和抑制不稳定性的增长, 本文在第四章中对这部分内容进行了介绍, 并指出建立能精确描述不稳定性增长现象与材料性质间“关联性机制”的理论模型是成功进行应用的关键. 在这些基础上, 本文于第五章展望了该领域存在的机遇和挑战.Abstract: The growth of interface instability in solids is a critical phenomenon affecting various fields of engineering and science, including implosion physics, inertial confinement fusion ignition, and the dynamic behavior of materials. This instability can lead to complex phenomena such as the interpenetration of light and heavy media at solid surfaces, material micro-jetting, and turbulent mixing, highlighting the significance of understanding its underlying mechanisms. This paper reviews the current research status of Richtmyer−Meshkov (RM) and Rayleigh−Taylor (RT) instabilities at solid interfaces in Chapters 2 and 3. We summarize existing theoretical models of instability growth and discuss their limitations. Unlike the instability growth observed in pure fluid interfaces, solid materials possess inherent strength, which enables some of the energy from perturbation growth to be transformed into lattice thermal energy through dissipative mechanisms. This energy conversion reduces the rate of perturbation growth and may even suppress the development of instabilities. Consequently, understanding the effects of material strength under dynamic loading conditions is crucial for comprehending instability growth behavior. Moreover, the outcomes of solid interface instability are indicative of various material properties, including constitutive relationships and equations of state. Researchers have proposed that instability growth can be leveraged to determine the dynamic yield strength of materials, validate high-pressure constitutive models, and mitigate instability growth. Chapter 4 focuses on this aspect, emphasizing the need to establish a theoretical model that accurately describes the “correlation mechanism” between instability phenomena and material properties for effective applications. Building on these foundations, Chapter 5 explores future opportunities and challenges in this field.
图 1 典型的流动不稳定性现象. (a) 平面激波作用下空气/SF6界面的演化(Collins & Jacobs 2002), (b) 水杯中轻重流体间的混合, (c) 火箭发动机推进剂喷注与燃烧, (d) 大气中环流的云涡
图 3 高爆炸药 (HE) 产生的平面冲击波加载到初始有正弦型扰动的样品前 (a) 和加载后 (b) 界面的几何构型示意图 (Buttler et al. 2012)
图 19 弹性平板RTI增长临界波长与平板厚度比值λc/h随
$ \sqrt{{G}/{{p}}_{0}} $ 变化. 其中实线代表Plohr和Sharp (1998) 理论结果, 两条虚线分别代表Miles (1966) 和Lebedev (Lebedev et al. 1993) 理论预测, 图中数据点为Swegle和Robinson (1989) 对铝 (棱形) 和钨 (圆圈) 材料的数值模拟结果, 误差符号代表Dimonte等(1998)的实验结果图 20 弹性固体/固体界面RT扰动增长过程中 (a) 无量纲扰动振幅
$ {\mathrm{\eta }}_{\pm }/{\mathrm{\eta }}_{0} $ 随无量纲时间$ \left|{\gamma }_{{\mathrm{e}}\pm }\right| $ t的演化, 实线代表式 (49) 理论预测; (b) 对于不稳定扰动增长情况, 渐进无量纲振幅随无量纲扰动波数的变化, 实线和实心点分别代表Piriz (Piriz et al. 2005)、Plohr和Sharp (1998) 理论预测,图 32 (a) 爆轰加载后金属Sn样品的熔化破碎密度图像 (陈永涛等 2013); (b) 磁驱动柱面Sn样品汇聚过程中的组分分布 (t = 11.42 μs), 红色为液相, 绿色为伽马相, 蓝色为β相 (Rousculp et al. 2016)
图 33 扰动发展过程中拉升断裂导致尖钉破碎形成射流和微喷示意图 (殷建伟 2018)
表 1 固体界面RM扰动增长理论模型总结
理论模型 无量纲尖钉极值振幅与无量纲尖钉极值增长速度关系 斜率(拟合系数) 截距 Piriz 2008 $ {{k}}\eta _{{\text{sp}}}^{\max } = {{k}}{\eta _0} + {C_{\mathrm{p}}}\dfrac{{{\rho _0}\mathop {\eta _0^2}\limits^ \cdot }}{Y} $ $ {C_{\mathrm{p}}} = 0.29 $ $ {{k}}{\eta _0} $ Dimonte 2011 $ {{k}}\eta _{{\text{sp}}}^{\max } = 0.08 + {C_{\mathrm{D}}}\dfrac{{{\rho _0}{{{{(v}}_{{\mathrm{sp}}}^{\max })}^2}}}{Y} $ $ {C_{\mathrm{D}}} = 0.24 $ 0.08 Buttler 2012 $ {k}{\eta }_{\text{sp}}^{\mathrm{max}}={k}{\eta }_{0} + {C}_{{\mathrm{B}}} \left(\dfrac{1{-}\Delta{V/(2D)}}{1-\Delta {V/D}}\right)^{2}\dfrac{{\rho }_{\text{0}}{{\eta }_{0}^{2}}}{Y} $ $ {C_{\mathrm{B}}} = 0.29 $ $ {{k}}{\eta _0} $ Mikaelian 2013 $ {{k}}\eta _{{\text{sp}}}^{\max } = {{k}}{\eta _0} + {C_{\mathrm{M}}}\dfrac{{({\rho ^{\text{h}}} + {\rho ^{\text{l}}})\mathop {\eta _0^2}\limits^ \cdot }}{{{Y^{\text{h}}} + {Y^{\text{l}}}}} $ $ {C_{\mathrm{M}}} = 0.33 $ $ {{k}}{\eta _0} $ 殷建伟 2018 $ {{k}}\eta _{{\text{sp}}}^{\max } = {C_{\mathrm{Y}}}\dfrac{{{\rho _0}{{({{v}}_{{\mathrm{sp}}}^{\max })}^2}}}{Y} $ $ {C_{\mathrm{Y}}} = 0.3 $ 0 Chen et al. 2019 $ {{k}}\eta _{{\mathrm{sp}}}^{{\text{max}}} = \dfrac{Y}{{4\sqrt 3 kG}} + {C_{\mathrm{C}}}\dfrac{{{\rho _S} {\eta _0^2} }}{Y} $ $ {C_{\mathrm{C}}} = {{f}}(A) $ $ \dfrac{Y}{{4\sqrt 3 kG}} $ 表 2 固体界面 RT 扰动增长理论模型总结
模型 界面运动方程/色散关系 渐进界面扰动增长率 (t$ \to \mathrm{\infty } $) Remington2004: 任意A, 任意kh, 显含应变率 $ \begin{gathered} {\gamma ^2} + 2{k^2}{\nu _{{\mathrm{eff}}}}\gamma + k \times \tanh kh\times \left(\dfrac{{kG}}{\rho } - Ag\right) = 0 \\ {{{v}}_{{\mathrm{eff}}}} = Y/(\sqrt 6 \rho \mathop \varepsilon \limits^ \cdot ) \\ \end{gathered} $ $ \gamma = {\nu _{{\mathrm{eff}}}}{{{k}}^2}\left[{\left(1 - \dfrac{{\tanh kh\times (kG/\rho - Ag)}}{{\nu _{_{{\mathrm{eff}}}}^2{k^3}}}\right)^{1/2}} - 1\right] $ Piriz 2009: 固体/理想流体界面, A = 1, kh >> 1 $ \mathop \eta \limits^{ \cdot \cdot } = \left\{ \begin{gathered} {{k}}g(\eta + {\eta _0})- 2{k^2}G\eta /\rho \begin{array}{*{20}{c}} &{\eta \leqslant {\eta _p}} \end{array} \\ {{k}}g(\eta + {\eta _0})- \alpha Yk/\rho \sqrt 3 \begin{array}{*{20}{c}} &{\eta \geqslant {\eta _p}} \end{array} \\ \end{gathered} \right. $
$ \gamma = \sqrt {{{k}}g} $Piriz 2014: 固体/黏性流体界面, 任意A, kh >> 1 $ \begin{gathered} \mathop \eta \limits^{ \cdot \cdot } + \dfrac{{2\mu {k^2}}}{{{\rho _2} + {\rho _1}}}\mathop \eta \limits^ \cdot = \\ \left\{ \begin{gathered} {{Ak}}g(\eta + {\eta _0})- 2{k^2}G\eta /({\rho _2} + {\rho _1})\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} &{\eta \leqslant {\eta _p}} \end{array} \\ {{Ak}}g(\eta + {\eta _0})- \sqrt 3 Yk/({\rho _2} + {\rho _1})\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} &{\eta \geqslant {\eta _p}} \end{array} \\ \end{gathered} \right. \\ \end{gathered} $ $ \gamma = \sqrt {\dfrac{{{\mu ^2}{k^4}}}{{{{({\rho _2} + {\rho _1})}^2}}} + A{{k}}g} - \dfrac{{\mu {k^2}}}{{({\rho _2} + {\rho _1})}} $ Piriz 2019: 固体/理想流体界面, 任意A, 任意kh $ {\left(\dfrac{{kg}}{{{\gamma ^2}}}\right)^2} - 1 = \left(\dfrac{{kg}}{{{\gamma ^2}}} + 1\right)\dfrac{{1 - A}}{{1 + A}}[\dfrac{{kg}}{{{\gamma ^2}}} + \coth kh] $ $ \begin{gathered} {\gamma _{1,2}} = \pm \sqrt {\dfrac{{2A{{kg}}}}{{1 + A + (1 - A)\coth kh}}} \\ {\gamma _{3,4}} = \pm \sqrt { - kg} \\ \end{gathered} $ -
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