Perfect combination of lightness and ingenuity: secrets in the flight of Paratuposa placentis
Abstract: By using experimental approach, three-dimensional morphological and kinematic models for the flight of Paratuposa placentis are reconstructed. The secrets in the high-performance flight of Paratuposa placentis are successfully unveiled through computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis.
Key words:
- Paratuposa placentis /
- flight /
- aerodynamics
图 1 (a) 翼尖的“8字形”运动轨迹: 快速下扑时翅膀呈平躺姿态, 缓慢上挥时呈侧立姿态; (b) 后翅结构: 叶柄、窄翼叶片、刚毛状缘缨以及刚毛上的次级突起; (c) 时均垂直力: 垂直力合力、后翅产生的垂直力、鞘翅产生的垂直力、身体产生的垂直力、 (假想) 膜状翼产生的垂直力合力; (d) 比质量需用功率: 时均值、峰值、 (假想) 膜状翼的时均值、两种不同厚度 (假想) 膜状翼的峰值 (Farisenkov et al. 2022).
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