Soft active materials and soft robots surviving extremely high hydrostatic pressure
摘要: 实验表明由软硬融合方式构造机电系统、力电耦合软体智能材料驱动的软体机器人无需耐压外壳即可适应极高静水压力(110 MPa)并实现驱动.Abstract: The experiment proves that the soft robot can be driven under extremely high hydrostatic pressure (110 MPa), with actuators made of soft active materials and the electromechanical system constructed via the soft-hard hybrid method.
Key words:
- extremely high hydrostatic pressure /
- soft robot /
- soft active materials
图 1 适应极高静水压力的软体机器人及其结构和材料表征. (a) 软体机器人无需耐压外壳在马里亚纳海沟10900米海底驱动, (b) 南海3224米深海游动, (c) 硬质电子器件在软基体中分散融合构造, (d) 软体智能材料力电耦合变形实现仿生推进动作, (e) 可在低温高水压环境中实现大变形的介电高弹体材料 (Li et al. 2021)
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