摘要: 关于井下管柱力学的研究迄今已有七十多年的历程, 取得了许多重要的研究成果, 并主要在油气井工程中获应用实效. 然而, 由于井眼约束和作业工况的复杂性, 目前仍未能够全面而准确地揭示井下管柱在狭长井眼内的复杂力学行为, 导致相关工程设计控制方法难以解决好实际遇到的许多复杂问题. 本文回顾了井下管柱力学的整体发展脉络, 重点讨论井下管柱的静力学变形控制方程, 然后针对井下管柱力学中的几个重要科学问题, 包括井下管柱屈曲、井下管柱摩阻磨损、井下管柱安全作业极限和底部钻具组合力学特性及其相应的设计控制方法等, 分别简要介绍了相关研究进展、最新研究成果及存在的一些问题等, 并在一定程度上进行了总结与展望, 以期为井下管柱力学与控制方法的创新发展并促进油气井工程技术进步提供有益参考.Abstract: Research on down-hole tubular mechanics has been more than 70 years so far. Many breakthrough research results have been obtained, and they have been successfully applied in drilling & completion engineering. However, due to the complexity of wellbore constraints and operating conditions, it has not been able to fully and accurately reveal the complicated mechanical behaviors of tubular strings in long and narrow wellbores. These facts also make the current design and control methods difficult to solve many complex engineering problems. First, this article reviews the overall development context of down-hole tubular mechanics and introduces the static deformation control equations of down-hole tubular strings. Next, research progress, the latest results and the existing problems of several important tubular mechanical problems are introduced, including down-hole tubular buckling, down-hole tubular friction and wear, safe operation limit of down-hole tubular strings, mechanics of bottom hole assembly and the corresponding design & control methods. Last, a summary and outlook on down-hole tubular mechanics are made. It is expected to provide some meaningful enlightenment for the development of down-hole tubular mechanics and control methods and the improvement of drilling & completion engineering technology.
图 1 钻柱在井眼内变形和运动示意图(Huang et al. 2015a)
图 2 受井眼约束管柱屈曲示意图. (a) 垂直井眼中管柱屈曲, (b) 水平井眼中管柱屈曲(Huang & Gao 2016)
图 3 加载过程中轴向力与轴向位移的假设关系(Gao & Huang 2015)
图 4 受井眼约束管柱的屈曲−接触相图(Huang & Gao et al. 2018a)
图 5 井下管柱局部−整体耦合力学模型. (a) 整体管柱和局部管柱的关系, (b) 局部−整体耦合力学模型计算框图(Huang & Gao 2020)
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