Reviews of underwater drag reduction technology
在简要回顾早期减阻研究的基础上,对现有典型水下湍流减阻技术进行了较深入地分析.重点介绍了脊状表面减阻、微气泡减阻和疏水/超疏水表面减阻的研究现状.分别从实验研究和理论研究两方面对其进行了阐述,并着重强调了各自的减阻机理. 此外,还简要介绍了柔顺壁面减阻、壁面振动减阻等其它减阻技术.展望了水下减阻技术今后的研究重点及其应用前景.
Abstract:In this paper, someearly research on drag reduction technology is briefly reviewedand the existing representative underwater turbulence dragreduction technologies are analyzed and discussed in detail. Andthen the research actualities of riblet surface drag reductiontechnology, microbubble drag reduction technology andhydrophobic/superhydrophobic surface drag reduction technology areexpounded through experimental and theoretical researches withdrag reduction mechanisms purposively emphasized. In addition, thedrag reduction technologies by compliant coating and walloscillation are also briefly described. Finally, futuredevelopment of underwater drag reduction technology and itsapplication are prospected.
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