Meshfree methods and their applications
详细论述了近年来迅速发展的无网格法的理论基础及其在各个领域内的应 用. 无网格法网格依赖性弱, 避免了传统的有限元、边界元等基于网格的数值方法 中可能出现的网格畸变和扭曲, 在一些有限元、边界元等方法难以较好处理的领域体现 出独特的优势. 以加权余量法为主线归纳了已有的30多种无网格法, 各类 无网格法的主要区别在于使用了不同的加权余量法和近似函数. 详尽介绍 了各种无网格近似方案(包括移动最小二乘近似、核近似和重构核近似、单位分 解近似、径向基函数近似、点插值近似、自然邻接点插值近似等)和无网格法 中常用的各类加权余量法(伽辽金格式、配点格式、局部弱形式、加权最小二乘 格式和边界积分格式等), 并讨论了数值积分方法和边界条件的处理等问题. 在 此基础上较系统地总结了无网格法在冲击爆炸、裂纹传播、超大变形、结 构优化、流固耦合、生物力学和微纳米力学等领域的应用, 展示了无网格法相 对于传统数值方法的优势.
Abstract:Meshfree methods, boththeir theoretical foundation and their applications to a varietyof fields, are reviewed in detail. There is much lessmesh-dependency in meshfree methods, which can eliminate possiblemesh distortion and entanglement in mesh-based numerical methods,such as the finite element method or boundary element method.Meshfree methods show particular advantages in some fields wherethe finite element or boundary element method encounterdifficulties. More than 30 kinds of meshfree methods are reviewedin this paper in the light of weighted residual method, anddifferent meshfree methods can be viewed as different forms ofweighted residual method and/or with different approximationfunctions. Various kinds of meshfree approximate schemes arepresented in detail, including moving least square approximation,kernel and reproducing kernel approximation, partition of unityapproximation, radial basis approximation, radial pointinterpolation and natural neighbor interpolation. Different formsof weighted residual method, such as Galerkin form, collocationform, local weak form, weighted least-square form, boundaryintegral form are also described, and corresponding numericalquadrature algorithms and implementation of boundary conditionsare discussed. Furthermore, applications of meshfree methods tothe fields of impact and explosion, crack propagation, hyper largedeformation, structural optimization, fluid-solid interaction,biomechanics and micro- and nano-mechanics are reviewed, and theiradvantages over conventional numerical methods are demonstrated.
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