The content of thisreview consists of recent developments covering an advancedtreatment of multiple crack problems in plane elasticity. Severalelementary solutions are highlighted, which are the fundamentalsfor the formulation of the integral equations. The elementarysolutions include those initiated by point sources or by adistributed traction along the crack face. Two kinds of singularintegral equations, three kinds of Fredholm integral equations,and one kind of hypersingular integral equation are suggested forthe multiple crack problems in plane elasticity. Regularizationprocedures are also investigated. For the solution of the integralequations, the relevant quadrature rules are addressed. A varietyof methods for solving the multiple crack problems is introduced.Applications for the solution of the multiple crack problems arealso addressed. The concept of the modified complex potential(MCP) is emphasized, which will extend the solution range, forexample, from the multiple crack problem in an infinite plate tothat in a circular plate. Many multiple crack problems areaddressed. Those problems include: (i) multiple semi-infinitecrack problem, (ii) multiple crack problem with a general loading,(iii) multiple crack problem for the bonded half-planes, (iv)multiple crack problem for a finite region, (v) multiple crackproblem for a circular region, (vi) multiple crack problem inantiplane elasticity, (vii) T-stress in the multiple crackproblem, and (viii) periodic crack problem and many others. Thisreview article cites 187 references.