摘要: 铁电陶瓷是具备力电转换功能的典型高技术材料.本文概述铁电陶瓷电致疲劳失效的研究进展.首先介绍电致疲劳的定义和特点,然后讨论电致疲劳失效在不同尺度下的表现行为,包括宏观尺度下裂纹的疲劳扩展;细观尺度下裂纹的萌生;微观尺度下点缺陷在循环电场下的积聚.随即阐述了铁电陶瓷在循环电场下缺陷汇聚的理论分析,运用微结构演化方法计算了单个孔洞随畴界的移动距离,推导了循环电场下铁电陶瓷内点缺陷浓度的演化方程,给出了点缺陷浓度与其汇聚程度之间的定量关系,从而提出了贯通不同尺度的铁电陶瓷电致疲劳失效机理.Abstract: Researches on electrically introdued fatigue of ferroelectricceramics are reviewed in the present paper. It's definition, characteristicsand behavors at different scales are introdued, including the growth offatigue cracks, initiation of microcracks, and agglomeration of pointdefects. The theory of point defect agglomeration under the cyclic electricfield is briefly described. The moving distance of a single void underdomain switchings is calculated by the theory of microsructural evolution.The evolution function of point defect concentration in ferroelectricceramics is derived under the cyclic electric field. The quantitiverelationship of point defect concentration and their agglomeration extentare given. The mechanism of electric fatigue of ferroelectric ceramics iselucidated at different scales.
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