摘要: 纤维增强树脂基复合材料结构在工程应用中常常承受复杂载荷的作用, 从而使材料处于多轴循环应力条件下. 为了更加合理地进行复合材料结构设计, 必须对复合材料多轴疲劳行为进行深入的研究, 建立比较理想的复合材料疲劳寿命预测模型. 首先简单回顾了复合材料单轴疲劳损伤判据及其寿命预测模型, 然后结合作者的研究结果, 总结了近年来国内外纤维增强树脂基复合材料多轴疲劳理论的研究成果, 对各种失效准则、疲劳寿命预测模型进行了较为深入的分析, 指出了它们各自的特点及其存在的问题, 并对复合材料多轴疲劳理论的研究趋势作出了展望. 最后, 对目前常用的复合材料多轴疲劳实验方法进行了总结, 并指出了各种方法的优缺点及其实验中存在的困难.Abstract: When fiber reinforced composite materials are used forengineering structures and components, they are often subjected to complexservice loading conditions, involving multi-axial stress. For the reliable operation and efficient design ofthese engineering structures, therefore, it is important to assess the materialbehaviour and develop a reasonable life prediction model under multiaxialstress conditions. Firstly, uniaxial fatigue theories and life predictionmodels of fiber reinforced composite materials are briefly reviewed.Secondly, based on the author's research work on multiaxial fatigue ofcomposites, fatigue failure criteria and models for fatigue life predictionare discussed and merits and defects of different types of criteria andmodels are also analyzed. Some suggestions are made for future studieson multiaxialfatigue on composites. Finally, multiaxial fatigueexperimental methods on composites and some of their difficulties aresummarized.
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