Abstract:Accurate prediction and assessment of creep crack growth life are key problems for structural integrity assessment, life design, and service maintenance of high temperature components. The life assessment method based on a single-parameter C* in creep fracture mechanics cannot effectively incorporate crack-tip constraint effect, thus the assessment result is either over-conservative or non-conservative. At present, theoretical framework and technical methodology for creep life assessment of high temperature structures have not been established, and there is yet no high temperature structure integrity assessment codes incorporating the creep constraint effect. This paper reviews our recent research work on the constraint effect in high temperature creep fracture. It includes:effect and mechanism of the crack-tip constraint on creep crack growth behavior of materials; the creep crack-tip field, and definition and influencing factors of a constraint parameter R; proposition of a load-independent creep constraint parameter R* and its applications; the creep constraint parameter R* solutions and creep life assessments incorporating the creep constraint effect for surface cracks in pressurized pipes; correlation of the creep crack-tip constraint between test specimens and axially cracked pipelines; study on a unified characterization parameter Ac of in-plane and out-of-plane creep constraints based on crack-tip equivalent creep strain; establishment of constraint-dependent creep crack growth rates of materials; numerical prediction of creep crack growth rate and its constraint effect in a wide range of C*; effect and mechanism of the material constraint on creep crack growth behavior in welded joints. The research work may lay foundation of theory and technology for establishing the life assessment methodology of creep crack growth incorporating the crack-tip constraint effect for high temperature structures. We also present prospects for future explorations.
Key words:
- creep /
- crack-tip constraint /
- crack growth /
- life assessment /
- specimen
图 1 裂尖拘束对蠕变裂纹扩展速率的影响(Tan et al. 2013, Tan 2014)
图 2 低拘束低C*试样(CT2-1)的蠕变延性晶间断裂(Tan et al. 2013)
图 3 高拘束低C*试样(CT10-2)的蠕变脆性晶间断裂(Tan et al. 2013)
图 4 稳态蠕变条件下CT试样裂尖前的应力分布(Wang et al. 2010)
图 5 (a)不同裂纹深度CT试样的裂尖拘束参数R的分布, (b) R随载荷水平C*的变化(Sun et al. 2011)
图 6 (a)不同加载方式试样的裂尖拘束参数R随C*的变化, (b) R沿CT试样的厚度分布(Sun et al. 2012)
图 7 稳态蠕变时(t/tred=1), 不同载荷水平下拘束参数R*在裂尖前的分布. (a)各种加载方式试样和管道, (b)不同厚度CT试样(Tan et al. 2014)
图 8 拘束参数R*随蠕变时间t/tred的变化. (a)不同裂纹深度(a/W)的CT试样, (b)裂纹深度为a/W=0.35的不同加载方式的试样(Tan et al. 2014)
图 9 典型径厚比Ri/t=10的管道轴向不同尺寸内表面半椭圆裂纹前沿的拘束参数R*的分布(t/tred=1). (a) a/t=0.2, (b) a/t=0.4, (c) a/t=0.6, (d) a/t=0.8 (Liu et al. 2014)
图 10 典型径厚比Ri/t=10的管道环向不同尺寸内表面半椭圆裂纹前沿的拘束参数R*的分布(t/tred=1). (a) a/t=0.2, (b) a/t=0.4, (c) a/t=0.6, (d) a/t=0.8 (Liu et al. 2015a)
图 11 典型径厚比Ri/t=10的管道裂纹的拘束相关的蠕变裂纹扩展速率比
. (a)不同尺寸环向, (b)不同尺寸轴向(Liu et al. 2015a)图 12 FEM计算裂尖拘束的试样和管道几何. (a) CT试样, (b) SENB试样, (c) CST (C-shaped tension)试样, (d) CCT试样, (e)销式加载的SENT试样(SENTp), (f)钳式加载的SENT试样(SENTc), (g)轴向裂纹管道, (h)管道裂纹尺寸表征(Tan et al. 2015)
图 13 不同几何试样和轴向裂纹管道裂尖拘束的比较(Tan et al. 2012). (a) a/W=0.35, (b) a/W=0.2
图 14 B/W=0.5及W=25 mm的试样及t=25 mm的管道裂纹的平均拘束Ravg*值(Tan et al. 2015)
图 15 不同面内/面外拘束试样的蠕变裂纹扩展速率da/dt和拘束参数Ac的关联(Ma et al. 2015)
图 16 (a)不同拘束试样的CCG速率比
与拘束参数Ac的关联, (b) Ac随蠕变时间t/tred的变化(Ma et al. 2015)图 17 采用应力相关的蠕变本构和延性方法模拟得到的宽范围C*下的da/dt-C*曲线及与实验曲线的对比(Zhang et al. 2015a)
图 18 不同拘束试样在宽范围C*下模拟的蠕变裂纹扩展速率da/dt-C*曲线及与实验的对比(Zhang et al. 2015b)
图 19 焊接接头裂纹扩展损伤云图. (a)裂纹沿原始裂纹面直线扩展, (b)二次裂纹的形成(Chen et al. 2014)
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