Abstract:The strength analysis methods of adhesive bonded structure can be classified into two types,i.e.,analytical method and numerical method,and the numerical method is mainly finite element method.In this paper,the finite element analysis methods for composite adhesive bonding structures are summarized,and based on the physical mechanism of the methods,the main FEM analysis methods of adhesively bonded composite joints are classified into three types,i.e.,stress-based model,fracture mechanics-based model and damage mechanics-based model.3D stress-based model,VCCT model and CZM model have been summarized in details,including their basic concepts,range of applications,advantages and disadvantages,improvements and extension as well as the implementation procedures.The recent progresses and necessary comments have also been reviewed in the present paper.These methods have been compared and analyzed from three aspects in the fifth part,such as the scope,singular stress and failure criterion,and further development trends in this area are also prospected.
Key words:
- composite /
- FEM /
- adhesive bonding /
- strength analysis /
- modeling method
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