自发渗吸是发生在多孔介质里的一种常见自然现象, 存在于众多工程应用和自然科学领域, 多孔介质 中自发渗吸的基本静力学和动力学问题已成为当前国际研究的热点课题之一. 本文综述了传统理论研究中的 Lucas{Washburn(LW) 模型, Terzaghi 模型, Handy 模型, Mattax 和Kyte 无因次时间标度模型, Aronofsky 归 一化采收率标度模型以及近十年最新研究进展, 分析了渗吸机理判别参数研究, 简述了数值模拟研究及渗吸率 影响机理的实验研究现状, 总结了基于分形理论研究多孔介质自发渗吸的最新进展, 并展望了多孔介质以及裂 缝性双重多孔介质中牛顿流体和非牛顿流体自发渗吸研究的方向和课题.
- 多孔介质, 毛细管力, 自发渗吸, 分形
Abstract:Spontaneous imbibition is a natural phenomenon in porous media extensively occurring in many fields of engineering applications and natural sciences. Thus, the issues on the basic statistics and kinetics of spontaneous imbibition in porous media have become one of hot topics for many years. In this review, progresses in traditionally theoretical researches on Lucas-Washburn (LW) model, Terzaghi model, Handy model, Mattax and Kyte scaled model of dimensionless time, Aronofsky scaled model of normalized recovery and recent advances in the area especially over the last decade are reviewed, including criterion parameters for analyzing the mechanisms of spontaneous imbibition and recent studies on spontaneous imbibition in porous media based on the fractal theory. Brief reviews on numerical simulations and experiments about the influence of factors on the imbibition rate are also addressed. A few of comments are also made on the future research directions and subjects on spontaneous imbibition of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids in porous media and fractured porous media with dual-porosity based on the fractal theory and numerical simulations.
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