本文简要介绍了飞艇的发展沿革和研究现状. 通过同传统的航空器、航天器、潜艇和低空飞艇进行比较, 阐述了平流层飞艇的飞行原理. 从基本运动模型和复杂受力情况的角度, 系统地讨论了飞艇动力学研究进展, 包括空气动力学研究、静力分析、热力学分析、柔性体动力学及流固耦合研究. 然后综述了飞艇控制方法研究进展, 包括小扰动线性化控制、输入输出反馈线性化控制、基于Lyapunov 非线性稳定性的控制及其他控制方法. 最后展望了在平流层飞艇动力学与控制领域需要从6 个方面加强研究.
Abstract:The developmental history and research status of airship are briefly presented. Compared with the traditional aircraft, spacecraft, submarines and low altitude airship, the flight principle of stratospheric airships is elaborated. From the point of view of basic motion model and the complex force condition, progresses in dynamics research are discussed systematically, including aerodynamics research, static analysis, thermodynamic analysis, flexible body dynamics and the study of fluid-solid coupling. Then the progress in airship control methods is reviewed, including the small disturbance linearization control, input output feedback linearization control, the Lyapunov nonlinear stability based control and other control method. Finally, it is proposed to reinforce research efforts in six directions in the field of stratospheric airship dynamics and control.
Key words:
- stratospheric airships /
- flight mechanics /
- aerodynamics /
- thermodynamics /
- control
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