摘要: 在轨组装极大空间结构是实现大容量天基通信、高精度天基观测和天基太阳能电站等未来航天任务的技术基础, 具有重要的科学和工程价值. 针对百米级抛物面天线等在轨组装需求, 本文综述极大空间结构在轨组装相关的动力学与控制研究进展与挑战, 讨论五个关键环节, 即模块化组装方案及其动力学问题、多柔体系统动力学建模与计算、机器人运动规划与控制、组装结果的动态校验与调控、地面模拟实验. 本文指出, 在轨组装技术需解决柔性部件大范围运动的时空耦合动力学、机器人运动的高效规划与精准控制、力热耦合的误差校验与调控策略等难题, 同时需要建立理论分析、数值仿真和地面实验验证相融合的研究框架, 进而逐步推进从百米级到千米级空间结构技术的发展. 最后, 本文展望了未来十年的研究重点, 包括高效动力学建模、复杂环境下的运动规划与控制、多模块闭合组装的动态预测与调控、天地一致的实验验证体系, 进而为推动空间结构在轨组装技术提供系统性建议.Abstract: On-orbit assembly of ultra-large space structures serves as the technological foundation for future space missions including high-capacity space-based communications, high-precision space-based observations and space-based solar power stations. It holds significant scientific and engineering values. Addressing the demands for assembling ultra-large structures like 100-m parabolic antennas on orbit, this review article surveys the research progress and challenges in the dynamics and control of ultra-large space structures assembled on orbit. The article focuses on five key aspects, including the overall assembly design and its dynamic problems, the dynamic modeling and computation of flexible multibody systems, the motion planning and control of robots, the dynamic verification and adjustment of assembly outcomes, and the ground simulation experiments. It highlights the necessity of solving critical issues such as the multi-scaled spatiotemporal coupling dynamics of flexible components undergoing large overall motions, the efficient motion planning and accurate control method of robots, and the thermal-mechanically coupled error verification and adjustment strategies. As such, the necessity requires a comprehensive research framework integrating theoretical analysis, numerical simulation, and ground experimental validation to realize the ultra-large space structures in a scale from 100 to 1000 m. Finally, the article outlines research priorities for the next decade, including the efficient dynamics modeling, the motion planning and control of robots in complex environments, the dynamic prediction and adjustment of multi-module closed-loop assembly, and the earth-space consistent experiment validation systems, providing systematic suggestions for promoting the on-orbit assembly technology of ultra-large space structures.
图 1 大型和极大空间结构示意图. (a) 通信卫星的桁架−网面天线(Thomson 1999), (b) 空间站太阳帆板阵列及其支撑桁架(Mikulas et al. 2015), (c) 极大口径抛物面天线, (d) 空间太阳能电站(Carrington et al. 2000)
图 2 极大空间结构的模块化设计. (a) 反射镜面三角形结构模块(Viale et al. 2023), (b) 反射镜面六边形结构模块(Rouvinet et al. 2020), (c) 六棱柱桁架结构模块, (d) 四面体桁架结构模块(White et al. 2020)
图 4 大型空间结构的多柔体系统动力学并行计算分析. (a) 环形桁架−索网天线收回动力学模拟(刘铖和胡海岩 2021), (b) 大型飞网展开动力学模拟(刘铖和胡海岩 2021)
图 5 刚/柔多体系统非光滑动力学仿真. (a) 多刚体机械臂抓取过程非光滑动力学仿真(Wang et al. 2021), (b) 大变形柔性体摩擦接触仿真(Wang & Tian 2023)
图 6 航天器组装对接地面实验(Wei et al. 2020). (a) 初始状态, (b) 航天器 (左) 绕过障碍 (中), (c) 与目标航天器交会 (右二), (d) 与目标航天器对接 (右二), (e) 完成对接 (右二), (f) 组合航天器运动 (右二)
图 7 结构模块自主组装实验(Lu et al. 2020)
图 8 高精度装配典型案例. (a) 地面组装的FAST射电望远镜(李会贤和南仁东 2015), (b) 飞机蒙皮结构自动组装(Schmitt et al. 2014), (c) 在轨调节的James Webb太空望远镜(Rieke et al. 2005), (d) 地面验证机器人组装桁架结构(Doggett 2002)
图 9 薄膜空间结构热变形预测与调控(Zhou et al. 2023). (a) 预测优化与在轨离线控制策略, (b) 分布式组合作动调控实验
图 11 极大空间结构地面模拟实验. (a) NASA水下组装实验(Watson et al. 1988), (b) PULSAR项目水下组装实验(Roa et al. 2022), (c) 气浮平台上机械臂操控实验(Alizadeh & Zhu 2024), (d) ETS-VIII结构模块悬吊卸载实验(Yamada et al. 2003)
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