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Review on research progress of mechanical metamaterials and their applications in vibration and noise control (730 day view times: 1729)
YIN Jianfei, CAI Li, FANG Xin, XIAO Yong, YANG Haibin, ZHANG Hongjia, ZHONG Jie, ZHAO Honggang, YU Dianlong, WEN Jihong
2022, 52(3): 508-586. doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-22-005
Abstract(6265) HTML(1721) PDF(2203)
Advances in control of turbulence by artificial intelligence: Systems, algorithms, achievements and data analysis methods (730 day view times: 1464)
WU Zhi, FAN De Wei, ZHOU Yu
2023, 53(2): 273-307. doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-22-045
Abstract(4456) HTML(2502) PDF(1486)
Cellular mechanobiology: Mediated by force-sensitive adhesion receptors (730 day view times: 1253)
ZHANG Huan, ZHAO Guoqing, FENG Jinteng, LIN Min
2023, 53(1): 48-153. doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-22-029
Abstract(4095) HTML(1486) PDF(1258)
Mechancial properties of amorphous alloys: In the framework of the microstructure heterogeneity (730 day view times: 1233)
QIAO Jichao, ZHANG Langting, TONG Yu, LYU Guojian, HAO Qi, TAO Kai
2022, 52(1): 117-152. doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-21-038
Abstract(3652) HTML(1326) PDF(2160)
Review on origami kinematics (730 day view times: 1122)
CHEN Yan, GU Yuanqing
2023, 53(1): 154-197. doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-22-040
Abstract(3046) HTML(1120) PDF(1149)
Design of lightweight lattice meta-structures and approaches to manipulate their multi-functional mechanical properties (730 day view times: 1054)
WU Wenwang, XIA Re
2022, 52(3): 673-718. doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-22-002
Abstract(4030) HTML(1129) PDF(1140)
Application of artificial intelligence in composite materials (730 day view times: 925)
ZHANG Junming, YANG Weidong, LI Yan
2021, 51(4): 865-900. doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-21-019
Abstract(6984) HTML(2218) PDF(1546)
Virtual element method: Theory and applications (730 day view times: 918)
LIU Chuanqi, XU Guangtao, WEI Yujie
2022, 52(4): 874-913. doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-22-037
Abstract(2259) HTML(1372) PDF(920)
Coupling dynamics of floating wind turbines: History, progress and challenges (730 day view times: 824)
WEN Binrong, TIAN Xinliang, LI Zhanwei, PENG Zhike
2022, 52(4): 731-808. doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-22-018
Abstract(3207) HTML(828) PDF(943)
Advances in flexible multibody dynamics of human musculoskeletal systems (730 day view times: 692)
GUO Jianqiao, WANG Yanbing, TIAN Qiang, REN Gexue, HU Haiyan
2022, 52(2): 253-310. doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-21-056
Abstract(5239) HTML(2243) PDF(895)
Review on research progress of nonlinear vibration isolation and time-delayed suppression method (730 day view times: 684)
SUN Xiuting, QIAN Jiawei, QI Zhifeng, XU Jian
2023, 53(2): 308-356. doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-22-048
Abstract(2425) HTML(810) PDF(716)
Fundamental mechanics problems in metal additive manufacturing: A state-of-art review (730 day view times: 673)
LIAN Yanping, WANG Panding, GAO Jie, LIU Jikai, LI Quhao, LIU Changmeng, HE Xiaofan, GAO Liang, LI Hao, LEI Hongshuai, LI Huimin, XIAO Dengbao, GUO Xu, FANG Daining
2021, 51(3): 648-701. doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-21-037
Abstract(6696) HTML(1765) PDF(1302)
Advances of peridynamics in fracture mechanics (730 day view times: 667)
ZHANG Heng, ZHANG Xiong, QIAO Pizhong
2022, 52(4): 852-873. doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-22-023
Abstract(2631) HTML(568) PDF(688)
Design of acoustic/elastic phase gradient metasurfaces: Principles, functional elements, tunability, and coding (730 day view times: 664)
CHEN Ali, WANG Yuesheng, WANG Yanfeng, ZHOU Hongtao, YUAN Simin
2022, 52(4): 948-1011. doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-22-031
Abstract(2511) HTML(1275) PDF(677)
Progress in turbulent thermal convection in the past decade and outlook (730 day view times: 609)
XIE Yichao, ZHANG Lu, DING Guangyu, CHEN Xin, XI Hengdong, XIA Keqing
2023, 53(1): 1-47. doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-22-024
Abstract(2780) HTML(899) PDF(633)
Thermodynamic strength theory (TST) (730 day view times: 607)
2023, 53(3): 693-712. doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-23-017
Abstract(1144) HTML(348) PDF(607)
Prospects of multi-paradigm fusion methods for fluid mechanics research (730 day view times: 599)
ZHANG Weiwei, WANG Xu, KOU Jiaqing
2023, 53(2): 433-467. doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-22-050
Abstract(2068) HTML(803) PDF(617)
Advances and challenges in sports biomechanics (730 day view times: 550)
LIU Chenglin, HAO Weiya, HUO Bo
2023, 53(1): 198-238. doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-22-030
Abstract(3359) HTML(1138) PDF(570)
Review of dynamics simulation methods for multi-field coupling systems (730 day view times: 548)
WANG Guoping, TAO Ling, RONG Bao, RUI Xiaoting
2023, 53(2): 468-495. doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-22-043
Abstract(2877) HTML(999) PDF(566)
Review of mesh adaptation for fluid numerical simulation (730 day view times: 540)
TANG Jing, CUI Pengcheng, ZHANG Jian, ZHOU Naichun, WU Xiaojun, GONG Xiaoquan, ZHANG Yaobing
2023, 53(3): 661-692. doi: 10.6052/1000-0992-23-013
Abstract(870) HTML(450) PDF(561)